The Rebus Blog

Rebus Open Projects Move Forward 


First edition of Media Innovation & Entrepreneurship Open Textbook Available for Adoption! The first edition of Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship is now available for spring 2018 adoption! The book is available free in various digital formats on the book’s homepage, and will be available in print-on-demand in December 2017. Lead editors Michelle Ferrier of Ohio University and Elizabeth Mays of the RebusKeep reading “Rebus Open Projects Move Forward “

Office Hours Recap and Video: Beta Testing Open Textbooks

Office Hours

In this month’s session, guests discuss the logistics of beta testing an open textbook, including: strategies to recruit beta testers, mechanisms for collecting and implementing feedback, and marketing this process. If you’re curious about how open textbooks are tested in classrooms, or how and when student and instructor feedback is incorporated, read the recap belowKeep reading “Office Hours Recap and Video: Beta Testing Open Textbooks”

Rebus/OTN Office Hours: International Perspectives on Open Textbooks (December 2017)

Office Hours

December’s topic for Rebus / OTN Office Hours is International Perspectives on Open Textbooks, and this month, we’re doing things a little differently. The Rebus Community headquarters is located in Montreal, Quebec, with our brilliant marketing manager based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Our partners, the Open Textbook Network, are also U.S.-based, and as a result, weKeep reading “Rebus/OTN Office Hours: International Perspectives on Open Textbooks (December 2017)”

Financial Strategy for Public Managers: Now Available!

open textbook projects

Financial Strategy for Public Managers by Sharon Kioko and Justin Marlowe is the first Rebus-supported open textbook project to be officially released, and is now available for adoption and use in classrooms! This book offers a thorough, applied, and concise introduction to the essential financial concepts and analytical tools that today’s effective public servants needKeep reading “Financial Strategy for Public Managers: Now Available!”

Please Take This Survey, Part of our Mellon-Funded Research on Digital Reading Experiences


  As part of the grant we were awarded by the Mellon Foundation to research and prototype a reader-focused ‘open web-books’ ecosystem for scholarly monographs, we are conducting a survey on “deep reading” experiences of longform scholarly works. If you’re an instructor, librarian, graduate student, or frequent reader of academic monographs, please complete our survey. ThisKeep reading “Please Take This Survey, Part of our Mellon-Funded Research on Digital Reading Experiences”

Update: Pilot Open Textbook Projects 


Please Take This Survey, Part of our Mellon-Funded Research on Digital Reading Experiences As part of our Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-funded research project to prototype an open, web-based reading system, we are conducting a survey on “deep reading” experiences of longform works, like scholarly monographs. This survey will help us to better understand the benefits andKeep reading “Update: Pilot Open Textbook Projects “

First Open Textbook on North American Archaeology!

open textbook projects

The latest Open Textbook project to join the Rebus Community is the first of its kind in its field. Aptly titled From the Ground Up: An Introduction to North American Archaeology, this book brings together an intergenerational and international team of scholars to shed light on the multiple voices and vibrant diversity within North AmericanKeep reading “First Open Textbook on North American Archaeology!”

Office Hours Recap and Video: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Open Textbooks

Office Hours

In this Office Hours conversation about diversity, equity, and inclusion in open textbooks, guest speakers and participants identified several aspects of OER that deserve attention and improvement. Read the recap below, or watch the video recording. Office Hours, hosted by The Open Textbook Network and the Rebus Community, is a monthly event in which weKeep reading “Office Hours Recap and Video: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Open Textbooks”

October Office Hours: Beta Testing Open Textbooks

Office Hours

Open Textbook Network & Rebus Community Host Office Hours Beta Testing Open Textbooks Oct. 25, 4 p.m. EST Guest Speakers: Michael Laughy, Assistant Professor of Classics, Washington & Lee University; Dianna Fisher, Director of Open Oregon State; Elizabeth Mays, Rebus & Arizona State University; and others TBD The ability to beta-test open textbooks with studentsKeep reading “October Office Hours: Beta Testing Open Textbooks”

August Office Hours Recap & Video: Metadata for Open Textbooks

Office Hours

Are you an author, librarian, or staff member creating or using Open Textbooks at your institution? Learn more about the metadata that helps make these books discoverable in this month’s Office Hours session! Scroll down to read a recap, or watch the video recording. This month’s Office Hours event, hosted by the Open Textbook NetworkKeep reading “August Office Hours Recap & Video: Metadata for Open Textbooks”

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