Category: OER philosophy

How Rebus Can Help if You’re Already Doing Open Textbooks

OER philosophy

We’ve gotten a lot of questions about how the Rebus Community can help if you are already creating open textbooks. Those and related questions are answered in this (slightly edited) conversation between Hugh McGuire and Rebus Community member Billy Meinke of University of Hawaii, in the Rebus Community forum. BILLY: Is there any info aboutKeep reading “How Rebus Can Help if You’re Already Doing Open Textbooks”

The Rebus Approach to Accessibility & Inclusivity

OER philosophy working groups

In part one of our series on accessibility, we covered what accessibility is and why it’s important. Now, learn about what we’re doing to ensure accessibility for the open textbooks we support. How Do We Ensure Accessibility & Inclusivity of the Open Textbooks Created with Rebus Support? The Rebus Community is committed to ensuring thatKeep reading “The Rebus Approach to Accessibility & Inclusivity”

A Collaborative Approach to Making Open Textbooks … Getting Started

OER philosophy

The Rebus Community for Open Textbook Creation is building a global network of people passionate about Open Education, a network of people willing to dedicate time to help with a mission: To make Open Textbooks available in every subject, in every language in the world. That’s a (big, very big) long-term goal. Starting Small: The ProjectsKeep reading “A Collaborative Approach to Making Open Textbooks … Getting Started”

A joint statement on the CC BY license

News OER philosophy

Members of the Open Textbook community signed a joint statement today advocating the use of the CC BY license when creating open textbooks. We, the undersigned, are active in the creation, dissemination, and adoption of Open Textbooks and Open Educational Resources (OER) throughout the world. Our projects, collectively, have involved hundreds of textbooks, thousands ofKeep reading “A joint statement on the CC BY license”

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