Category: Textbook Success Program

Release Announcement: Community Psychology Practice

News open textbook projects Rebus Community Textbook Success Program Uncategorized

This project was part of the May 2020 Textbook Success Program cohort.  Community isn’t just geographic space, although it certainly can be. Like the concept of “home” it can be emotional, or both geographic and emotional. There are virtual communities, communities of people who similarly identify based on several facets and find a safe spaceKeep reading “Release Announcement: Community Psychology Practice”

CUNY OER Hub: Exploring OER Resources in Teacher Education

open textbook projects Rebus Community Textbook Success Program

This project is part of the February 2021 Textbook Success Program cohort. The CUNY Open Educational Resources (OER) Teacher Education Hub project is designed by a team of faculty and staff to provide access to open educational resources in teacher education for faculty across the City University of New York (CUNY) and beyond. This siteKeep reading “CUNY OER Hub: Exploring OER Resources in Teacher Education”

Pulling Together: Manitoba Foundations Guide

open textbook projects Rebus Community Textbook Success Program

This project is part of the February 2021 Textbook Success Program cohort.  The Manitoba Foundations Group, community members, Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and other community stakeholders, is leading the adaptation of the Pulling Together: Foundations Guide in collaboration with Assiniboine Community College, Brandon University, and Campus Manitoba. The adapted version of the Foundations Guide will provideKeep reading “Pulling Together: Manitoba Foundations Guide”

Transforming Humanities Texts: Join the Team!

open textbook projects Rebus Community Textbook Success Program

This project is part of the February 2021 Textbook Success Program cohort.  Transforming Humanities Texts is a new project designed by Dr. Mary Isbell to bring open pedagogy into conversation with scholarly editing to support courses in disciplines including philosophy, literature, history, music, religion, and cultural studies. Her goal is to encourage rigorous (also, authentic and enjoyable) reading experiences for studentsKeep reading “Transforming Humanities Texts: Join the Team!”

Writing and Publishing in Digital Environments: Now Inviting Contributors Across Disciplines!

open textbook projects Rebus Community Textbook Success Program

Are you a college instructor who helps students learn how to write or design for the web? Help us build an interdisciplinary open textbook that will serve as a vital resource for students! We are currently seeking short section contributions for the textbook, Writing and Publishing in Digital Environments. This project is part of theKeep reading “Writing and Publishing in Digital Environments: Now Inviting Contributors Across Disciplines!”

Surprise, surprise! What we learned while writing The Rebus Guide

News open textbook projects resources Textbook Success Program

As anyone who has contributed to the creation of open educational resources can tell you, there are often many surprises along the way! Here we share those that came up for us in the making of The Rebus Guide to Publishing Open Textbooks (So Far), but we also want to hear back from you. WhatKeep reading “Surprise, surprise! What we learned while writing The Rebus Guide”

Collaborate & Create: Announcing the New Rebus Community Guide!

News open textbook projects resources Textbook Success Program

After two years of collaboration, thirty projects undertaken, and a dozen open textbooks released, we are thrilled to announce the publication of The Rebus Guide to Publishing Open Textbooks (So Far). The book-in-progress is the result of innumerable conversations and exchanges within the Rebus Community, and represents a wide range of collective knowledge and experience.Keep reading “Collaborate & Create: Announcing the New Rebus Community Guide!”

A Guide to Making Open Textbooks With Students Wins 2018 Open Education Consortium Award for Excellence

News resources Textbook Success Program

We just found out that the Guide to Making Open Textbooks With Students that Rebus Community released last summer has won the 2018 Open Education Awards for Excellence in the Open Textbook category. This resource could not have come together without contributors Robin DeRosa, Rajiv Jhangiani, Timothy Robbins, David Squires, Julie Ward, Anna Andrzejewski, SamaraKeep reading “A Guide to Making Open Textbooks With Students Wins 2018 Open Education Consortium Award for Excellence”

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